Daftar Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Program magister Ilmu Biomedis Semester genap 2015/2016

1:11:00 AM


1.RegistrationDecember 28, 2015 to January 24, 2016
2.Interview and MMPI TestJanuary 25-27, 2016
at 08.00 until finish
at Graha Medika Building 1st floor FKUB
3.AnnouncementJanuary 29, 2016
4.Re-Registration and Payment of Tuition FeeFebruary 1-5, 2016
5.Matriculation ProgramFebruary 9-12, 2016
6.Even Semester BeginsFebruary 15, 2016


Registration fee                                 : IDR      500,000
MMPI Test                                          : IDR      250,000
Tuition fee per semester                  : IDR 12,500,000 (excluding the cost of thesis research)

Academic Requirements

  1. Candidates should hold a bachelor (undergraduate degree) certificate on bio-complex sciences (bachelor in medicine and/or medical doctor, dentistry, veterinary, pharmacy, nursing, nutrition, biology, and other related fields).
  2. Candidates must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of ≥ 3.00 (scale of 0.00 to 4.00) from BAN-PT accredited study program.
  3. Candidates must hold a scholastic test (TPA-OTO BAPPENAS) certificate score of > 500.
  4. Candidates must hold an English proficiency certificate equal to institutional paper-based TOEFL score of > 500 or institutional TOEIC score of > 600.
  5. Candidates must have produced a scientific manuscript.
  6. Candidates must pass a psychology test or an interview conducted by the study program.

Admission for Transfer Program

  1. Candidates are from the state or private university of equal or higher accreditation status (PMIB-FKUB has grade A accreditation).
  2. Candidates are from study programs of the same field of study in biomedical sciences.
  3. Candidates have not taken the feasibility test of thesis proposal and have been studied in the origin institution for no more than 2 years.

Administrative Requirements

  1. Candidates send a written application addressed to:
    Dean of Faculty of Medicine
    Universitas Brawijaya
  2. Enclosed in the application are three copies of:
    1. Receipt of registration fee payment.
    2. List of requirements for new student registration (Daftar Persyaratan Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru).
    3. Completed application form (Formulir Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru).
    4. Latest color photo size 4×6.
    5. Legalized copy of undergraduate (bachelor) certificate.
    6. Legalized copy of academic transcript from institution of origin. Candidates from private universities must enclose the result of state examination.
    7. Copy of scholastic test (TPA-OTO BAPPENAS) certificate (two-year validity period).
    8. Copy of TOEFL (or equivalent) certificate (two-year validity period).
    9. Curriculum vitae.
    10. A scientific manuscript after completing undergraduate program.
    11. Letters of academic recommendation from two qualified referees.
    12. Statement of health from a state hospital.
    13. Letter of Study Appointment from superiors (if the candidates are in employment) stating that the concerned individual is release of any institutional responsibility. For candidates who are lecturers of state and private universities, the Letter of Study Appointment is to be issued by the rector of university of origin. For candidates who are the employees of Health Department, the Letter of Study Appointment is to be issued by the direct supervisor, e.g., the director of hospital or the head of health department.
    14. Written statement of financial sources/support.
    15. Copy of identity card. For international student, KITAS from Immigration Office of East Java Province.
  3. All documents submitted to:Academic Affairs Staff of the Graduate Program
    Faculty of Medicine-Universitas Brawijaya
    Jl. Veteran, Malang, East Java 65145
    Telephone 0341-569117 Fax 0341-564755

Registration Procedures

Berikut adalah tahapan pendaftaran Program Magister Ilmu Biomedik Fakultas Kedokteran UB:
  1. Membayar biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 500.000,- (lima ratus ribu Rupiah) melalui Bank Mandiri (via teller, ATM, internet banking). Tata cara pembayaran sebagai berikut:
    1. Melalui Teller Bank Mandiri
      • Datang ke Cabang Bank Mandiri terdekat
      • Mengisi formulir setor tunai/transfer/multipayment (warna biru) dengan menuliskan “Pendaftaran Program Magister Ilmu Biomedik” di kolom berita pada slip setoran.
      • Calon mahasiswa baru langsung menuju ke teller dengan menyebutkan nomor seleksi (050) dan ditambah no hp (081XXXXX), Contoh : 050081XXXXX
      • Bayar ke Petugas Teller Bank Mandiri dan menerima bukti pembayaran. Pada bukti pembayaran akan tercetak NP dan PIN yang digunakan untuk login di selma.ub.ac.id, untuk melakukan pendaftaran online.
      • Data pembayaran secara otomatis akan tersimpan di database UB.
    2. Pembayaran Melalui Mesin ATM Mandiri
      • Masukkan Kartu ATM Bank Mandiri
      • Pilih: Bahasa Indonesia
      • Ketik: Nomor PIN ATM
      • Pilih: Menu Pembayaran/Pembelian
      • Pilih: Multipayment
      • Masukkan Kode: 10006 (Universitas Brawijaya) kemudian tekan ’BENAR
      • Ketik: Nomor Seleksi (050) dan ditambah no hp (081XXXXX), contoh: 050081XXXXX. tekan ’BENAR
      • Layar akan menampilkan identitas jumlah pembayaran Saudara, kemudian tekan ’1’ jika data telah sesuai
      • Untuk melakukan eksekusi tekan ’YA’, untuk pembatalan tekan ’TIDAK’
      • Pada bukti pembayaran akan tercetak NP dan PIN yang digunakan untuk login di selma.ub.ac.id, untuk melakukan pendaftaran online.
      • Transaksi telah selesai. Data pembayaran secara otomatis akan tersimpan di database UB.
    3. Pembayaran Melalui Internet Banking Bank Mandiri
      • Login ke: www.bankmandiri.co.id dengan User ID dan PIN internet banking Bank Mandiri anda
      • Pilih: Menu Pembayaran
      • Pilih: Menu Pendidikan
      • Pada combo box ’Dari Rekening’, pilih rekening yang akan digunakan untuk bertransaksi
      • Pada combo box ’Penyedia Jasa’, pilih ’10006’ (kode Universitas Brawijaya)
      • Ketik: Nomor Seleksi (050) dan ditambah no hp (081XXXXX), contoh: 050081XXXXX , pada kotak isian yang tersedia kemudian klik ’Lanjutkan’ kemudian identitas Saudara akan muncul berikut biaya pendidikan yang harus dibayarkan kemudian cantumkan tanda ’v
      • Jika data telah sesuai, klik tombol ’Lanjutkan
      • Masukkan PIN Mandiri (6 digit) yang diperoleh dari token PIN Mandiri lalu klik tombol ’Kirim
      • Tunggu respon dari sistem internet banking untuk status transaksi. Jika berhasil, Saudara akan mendapatkan Nomor Transaksi serta NP dan PIN yang digunakan untuk login di selma.ub.ac.id, untuk melakukan pendaftaran online. Data pembayaran secara otomatis akan tersimpan di database UB.
  2. Mendapatkan bukti pembayaran pendaftaran yang didalamnya terdapat PIN dan nomor pendaftaran.
  3. Mengunduh ke-4 formulir berikut, kemudian diisi, di-scan, dan diunggah pada pendaftaran online pada langkah 4.
    1. Formulir Pendaftaran Program Magister Ilmu Biomedik
    2. Formulir Rekomendasi Kelayakan Akademik Calon Mahasiswa
    3. Formulir Penugasan Mengikuti Pendidikan
    4. Formulir Pernyataan Sumber Biaya Pendidikan
  4. Melakukan pendaftaran secara online dengan melengkapi data-data yang diperlukan melalui situs resmi Seleksi Masuk Mahasiswa Program Magister Ilmu Biomedik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya [http://selma.ub.ac.id/wp-app/pendaftaran/biomedik], dengan memasukkan PIN dan nomor pendaftaran.

Online Registration

Candidate Selection

  1. Candidate selection is done through psychology test and/or interview involving peer group consisting of the head of study program, secretary of study program, and experts recommended by head of study program.
  2. The decision on accepted candidate is made by the rector through the dean based on recommendation of the head of study program.
  3. The written notification (admitted or not) is sent to the applicant’s address.
  4. All candidates granted admission to the PMIB-FKUB must pass the matriculation program.

International Student Admission

The study program has also opened for the admission of overseas students under the UB regulation through International Office of UB. Please refer to the website (http://io.ub.ac.id/international-student-admission/) to register.
International students applying to the study program must:
  1. Hold a bachelor (undergraduate degree) certificate on bio-complex sciences (bachelor in medicine and/or medical doctor, dentistry, veterinary, pharmacy, nursing, nutrition, biology, and other related fields), which is legalized by Indonesian Embassy in the home countries as well as by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. Obtain a study permit from Directorate General for Higher Education, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
  3. Have a paper-based TOEFL score of ≥ 500.

Contact Person

Secretary of Study Program
dr. Dian Nugrahenny, M.Biomed. (HP: +62 81 334 53 8373, email: diannugrahenny.fk@ub.ac.id)

Sumber : http://selma.ub.ac.id/

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